Trauma Exposure and Brain Structure

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Neurophysiological Changes Associated with Vibroacoustically-augmented Breath-focused Mindfulness for Dissociation: Targeting Interoception and Attention

Fani, N., Guelfo, A., La Barrie, D.L., Teer, A.P., Clendinen, C., Karimzadeh, L., Jain, J., Ely, T.D., Powers, A., Kaslow, N., Bradley, B., Siegle, G. (2023). Psychological Medicine.

Racial discrimination associates with lower cingulate cortex thickness in trauma-exposed Black women

Fani, N. Eghbalzad, L., Harnett, N.G., Carter, S.E., Price, M., Stevens, J.S., Ressler, K.J., van Rooij, S.J.H., Bradley, B. (in press, Neuropsychopharmacology).

A comparison of methods to harmonize cortical thickness measurements across scanners and sites

Sun, D., Rakesh, G., Haswell, C.C., Logue, M., Baird, C.L., O’Leary, B.M., Cotton, A.S., Xie, H., Tamburrino, M., Chen, T., Dennis, E.L., Jahanshad, N., Salminen, L.E., Thomopoulos, S.I., Rashid, F., Ching, C.R.K., Koch, S.B.J., Frijling, J.L., Nawijn, L., van Zuiden, M., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jiminez, B., Sierk, A., Walter, H., Manthey, A., Stevens, J.S., Fani, N., van Rooij, S.J.H., Stein, M., Bomyea, J., Koete, I.K., Choi, K., van der Werff, S.J.A., Vermeiren, R.R.J.M., Herzog, J., Lebois, L.A.M., Baker, J.T., Olson, E.A., Straube, T., Korgaonkar, M.S., Andrew, E., Zhu, Y., Li, G., Ipser, J., Hudson, A.R., Peverill, M., Sambrook, K., Gordon, E., Baugh, L., Forster, G., Simons, R.M., Simons, J.S., Magnotta, V., Maron-Katz, A., du Plessis, S., Disner, S.G., Davenport, N., Grupe, D.W., Nitschke, J.B., deRoon-Cassini, T.A, Fitzgerald, J.M., Krystal, J.H., Levy, I., Olff, M., Veltman, D.J., Wang, L., Neria, Y., De Bellis, M.D., Jovanovic, T., Daniels, J.K., Shenton, M., van de Wee, N.J.A., Schmahl, Ch., Kaufman, M.L., Rosso, I.M., Sponheim, S.R, Hofmann, D.B., Bryant, R.A., Fercho, K.A., Stein, D.J., Mueller, S.C., Hosseini, Bo., Phan, K.L., McLaughlin, K.A., Davidson, R.J., Larson, C.L., May, G., Nelson, S.M., Abdallah, C.G., Gomaa, H., Etkin, A., Seedat, S., Harpaz-Rotem, I., Liberzon, I.., van Erp, T.G.M., Wang, X., Thompson, P.M., Morey, R.A. (accepted, Neuroimage)

Assessment of brain age in posttraumatic stress disorder: Findings from the ENIGMA PTSD and brain age working groups

Clausen, A.N., Fercho, K.A., Monsour, M., Disner, S., Salminen, L., Haswell, C.C…Fani, N.,…Morey, R.A. (accepted, Brain and Behavior).

Racial discrimination and white matter microstructure in a trauma-exposed Black population

Fani, N., Harnett, N.G., Bradley, B., Mekawi, Y., Powers, A., Stevens, J.S., Resser, K.J., Carter, S.E. Biological Psychiatry,

Genetic predictors of hippocampal subfield volume in ptsd cases and trauma-exposed controls

Morey, R., Garrett, M., Stevens, J.S., Clarke, E., Haswell, C., van Rooij, S.J.H.,Fani, N., Lori, A., Kimbrel, N., Dennis, M., Marx, C., Beckham, J., McCarthy, G., Hauser, M., Koch, A. (2020). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1785994.

Structural connectivity and risk for anhedonia after trauma: A prospective study and replication

Fani, N., Michopoulos, V., van Rooij, S.J.H., Clendinen, C., Hardy, R.A., Jovanovic, T., Rothbaum, B.O., Ressler, K.J., Stevens, J.S. (2019) Journal of Psychiatric Research, 116, 34-41.

Inflammation, amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal functional connectivity and symptoms of anxiety and PTSD in African American women recruited from an inner-city hospital: Preliminary results

Mehta, N. D., Stevens, J. S., Li, Z., Fani, N., Gillespie, C. F., Ravi, M., Michopoulos, V., & Felger, J. C. (2022). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 105:122-130. Advance online publication.

Structural inequities contribute to racial/ethnic differences in neurophysiological tone, but not threat reactivity, after trauma exposure

Harnett, N.G., Fani, N., Carter, S., Sanchez, L.D., Rowland, G.E., Davie, W.M., Guzman, C., Lebois, L.A.M, Ely, T.D., van Rooij, S.J.H., Seligowski, A.V., Winters, S., Grasser, L.R., Musey Jr., P.I., Seamon, M.J., House, S.L., Beaudoin, F.L., An, X., Zeng, D., Neylan, T.C., Clifford, G.D., Linnstaedt, S.D., Germine, L.T., Bollen, K.A., Rauch, S.L., Haran, J.P., Storrow, A.B., Lewandowski, C., Hendry, P.L., Sheikh, S., Jones, C.W., Punches, B.E., Swor, R.A., Hudak, L.A., Pascual J.L., Harris, E., Chang A.M., Pearson, C., Peak, D.A., Merchant, R.C., Domeier R.M., Rathlev, N.K., Bruce, S.E., Miller, M.W., Pietrzak R.H., Joorman, J., Barch D.M., Pizzagalli, D.A., Harte, S.E., Elliott J.M., Kessler, R.C., Koenen, K.C., McLean, S.A., Jovanovic, T., Stevens, J.S., & Ressler K.J. (Accepted, Molecular Psychiatry)

Inflammation, amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal functional connectivity and symptoms of anxiety and PTSD in African American women recruited from an inner-city hospital: Preliminary results

Mehta, N. D., Stevens, J. S., Li, Z., Fani, N., Gillespie, C. F., Ravi, M., Michopoulos, V., & Felger, J. C. (2022). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 105:122-130. Advance online publication.

White matter microstructure in trauma-exposed children: Associations with pubertal stage

Fani, N., Stenson, A., van Rooj, S.J.H., La Barrie, D., Jovanovic, T. (2021). Developmental Science, May 13. doi: 10.1111/desc.13120.

Multimodal structural neuroimaging markers of risk and recovery from post-trauma anhedonia: A prospective investigation

Harnett, N. G., Stevens, J. S., van Rooij, S. J. H., Ely, T. D., Michopoulos, V., Hudak, L., Jovanovic, T., Rothbaum, B. O., Ressler, K. J., & Fani, N. Depression and Anxiety, 38(1), 79–88.

Cortical volume abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder: an ENIGMA-psychiatric genomics consortium PTSD workgroup mega-analysis

Wang, X., Xie, H., Chen, T., Cotton, A. S., Salminen, L. E., Logue, M. W., Clarke-Rubright, E. K., Wall, J., Dennis, E. L., O'Leary, B. M., Abdallah, C. G., Andrew, E., Baugh, L. A., Bomyea, J., Bruce, S. E., Bryant, R., Choi, K., Daniels, J. K., Davenport, N. D., Davidson, R. J., DeBellis, M., deRoon-Cassini, T., Disner, S.G., Fani, N….Morey, R., Liberzon, I. (2020). Molecular psychiatry, 10.1038/s41380-020-00967-1. Advance online publication.

Inflammation, reward circuitry and symptoms of anhedonia and PTSD in trauma-exposed women

Mehta, N.D., Stevens, J.S., Li, Z., Gillespie, C.F., Fani, N., Michopoulos, V., Felger, J.C. (2020). Social Cognition and Affective Neuroscience, doi: 10.1093/scan/nsz100. Online ahead of print.

Attentional control abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder: Functional, behavioral and structural correlates

Fani, N., King, T.Z., Clendinen, C., Hardy, R.A., Surapaneni, S., Blair, R.J., White, S., Powers, A., Ely, T.D., Jovanovic, T., Ressler, K.J., Bradley, B. (2019). Journal of Affective Disorders, 253, 343-351.

Attention bias for facial expressions in traumatized adults: Differential eye tracking correlates with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms

Powers, A., Fani, N., Murphy, L., Briscione, M., Bradley, B., Tone, E.B., Norrholm, S.D., Jovanovic, T. (2019). Eur J Psychotraumatol, 10 (1), PMCID: PMC6374933

Neurobiological development in the context of childhood trauma

Cross, D., Powers, A., Fani, N., Bradley, B. (2017). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 24, 111-124.

Childhood trauma and COMT genotype interact to increase hippocampal activation in resilient individuals

van Rooij, S.J.H., Stevens, J.S., Ely, T.D.,Fani, N., Smith, A.K., Kerley, K., Lori, A., Ressler, K.J., Jovanovic, T. (2016). Frontiers in Psychiatry, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00156.

Fear-potentiated startle during extinction is associated with white matter microstructure and functional connectivity

Fani, N., King, T.Z., Brewster, R.,Srivastava, A., Stevens, J.S., Glover, E.M., Norrholm, S.D., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J., Jovanovic, T. (2015). Cortex, 64, 249-59.

White matter integrity in highly-traumatized adults with and without post-traumatic stress disorder

Fani, N., King, T.Z., Jovanovic, T., Glover, E., Bradley, B., Choi, K., Gutman, D.A., Ressler, K.J. (2012). Neuropsychopharmacology, 37 (12), 2740-6.

Neural correlates of attention bias to threat in post-traumatic stress disorder

Fani, N., Jovanovic, T., Ely, T., Gutman, D., Bradley, B., Tone, E.B., Ressler, K. (2012). Biological Psychology, 90(2), 134-142. PMID: 22414937

Elastic Shape Analysis of Brain Structures for Predictive Modeling of PTSD

Wu, Y., Kundu, S., Stevens, J.S., Fani, N., Srivastava, A. (accepted, Frontiers in Neuroscience).

Remodeling of the Cortical Structural Connectome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results from the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD Consortium

Sun D, Rakesh G, Clarke-Rubright EK, Haswell CC, Logue M, O'Leary EN, Cotton AS, Xie H, Dennis EL, Jahanshad N, Salminen LE, Thomopoulos SI, Rashid F, Ching CRK, Koch SBJ, Frijling JL, Nawijn L, van Zuiden M, Zhu X, Suarez-Jimenez B, Sierk A, Walter H, Manthey A, Stevens JS, Fani N, van Rooij SJH, Stein M, Bomyea J, Koerte I, Choi K, van de Werff SJA, Vermeiren RRJM, Herzog J, Lebois LAM, Baker JT, Ressler KJ, Olson EA, Straube T, Korgaonkar MS, Andrew E, Zhu Y, Li G, Ipser J, Hudson A, Peverill M, Sambrook K, Gordon E, Baugh L, Forster G, Simons R, Simons J, Magnotta V, Maron-Katz A, du Plessis S, Disner S, Davenport N, Grupe D, Nitschke J, deRoon-Cassini TA, Fitzgerald J, Krystal JH, Levy I, Olff M, Veltman DJ, Wang L, Neria Y, De Bellis MD, Jovanovic T, Daniels JK, Shenton M, van de Wee NJA, Schmahl C, Kaufman ML, Rosso IM, Sponheim SR, Hofmann DB, Bryant RA, Fercho KA, Stein DJ, Mueller SC, Phan L, McLaughlin KA, Davidson RJ, Larson C, May G, Nelson SM, Abdallah CG, Gomaa H, Etkin A, Seedat S, Harpaz-Rotem I, Liberzon I, Wang X, Thompson PM, Morey RA. (2022). Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2022.02.008. PMID: 35307575.

Association of Racial Discrimination With Neural Response to Threat in Black Women in the US Exposed to Trauma

Fani, N., Carter, S.E., Harnett, N.G., Ressler, K.J., Bradley, B. (2021). JAMA Psychiatry, doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.1480

Examination of the association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and brain structure in young adults: A machine learning analysis

Price, M. Albaugh, M., Hahn, S., Juliano, A.C., Fani, N., Brier, Z.M.F., Legrand, A.C., van Stolk-Cooke, K., Chaarani, B., Potter, A., Peck, K., Allgaier, N., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A.L.W., Quinlan, E.B., Desrivieres, S., Flor, H., Grigis, A., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Ittermann, B., Martinot, J., Paillere, M., Artiges, E., Nees, F., Orfanos, D.P., Poustka, L., Hohmann, S., Frohner, J.H., Smolka, M.N., Walter, H., Whelan, R., Schumann, G., Garavan, H. (2021). Neuropsychopharmacology, doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-00987-7

Acute Posttraumatic Symptoms Are Associated with Multimodal Neuroimaging Structural Covariance Patterns: A Possible Role for the Neural Substrates of Visual Processing in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Harnett, N. G., Stevens, J. S., Fani, N., van Rooij, S., Ely, T. D., Michopoulos, V., Hudak, L., Rothbaum, A. O., Hinrichs, R., Winters, S. J., Jovanovic, T., Rothbaum, B. O., Nickerson, L. D., & Ressler, K. J. (2020). Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, S2451-9022(20)30210-X. Advance online publication.

Altered white matter microsctructural organization in post-traumatic stress disorder across 3,047 adults: Results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Consortium

Dennis, E., Disner, S., Fani, N., Salminen, L., Logue, M., Clarke-Rubright, E., Haswell, C.,…Morey, R. (2019). Molecular Psychiatry, doi: 10.1038/s41380-019-0631-x

Association between post-traumatic stress disorder severity and amygdala habituation to fearful stimuli

Kim, Y., van Rooij, S.J.H., Ely, T.D, Fani, N., Ressler, K.J., Jovanovic, T., Stevens, J.S. (2019) Depression and Anxiety, 36 (7), 647-658.

A pilot study of the effects of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) on PTSD symptoms and brain response to traumatic reminders of combat in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder

Bremner, J.D., Mishra, S., Campanella, C., Shah, M., Kasher, N., Evans, S., Fani, N., Shah, A.J., Reiff, C., Davis, L., Vaccarino, V., Carmody, J. (2017). Front Psychiatry, Aug 25;8:157. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00157

Neural correlates and structural markers of emotion dysregulation in traumatized civilians

Powers, A., Stevens, J.S., van Rooij, S., Ely, T., Fani, N., Jovanovic, T., Ressler, K.J., Bradley, B. (2017). Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 12, 5, 823-831.

Structural and functional connectivity in PTSD: Associations with FKBP5

Fani, N., King, T.Z., Shin, J., Srivastava, A., Brewster, R.C., Jovanovic, T., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J. (2016). Depression and Anxiety, 33 (4), 300-307.

Fear load: The psychophysiological over-expression of fear as an intermediate phenotype associated with trauma reactions

Norrholm, S.D., Glover, E.M., Stevens, J.S., Fani, N., Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J., Jovanovic, T. (2015). International Journal of Psychophysiology, 98, 270-5.

Disrupted amygdala-prefrontal functional connectivity in civilian women with posttraumatic stress disorder

Stevens, J. Jovanovic, T., Fani, N., Ely, T., Glover, E., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J. (2013). Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47 (10), 1469-78.

Reduced neural activation during an inhibition task is associated with impaired fear inhibition in a traumatized civilian sample

Jovanovic, T., Ely, T., Fani, N., Glover, E.M., Gutman, D., Tone, E.B., Norrholm, S.D., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J. (2012) Cortex, 49 (7), 1884-91.

Increased neural response to traumatic scripts in posttraumatic stress disorder following paroxetine treatment: A pilot study

Fani, N., Ashraf, A., Kitayama, N., Reed, L., Jawed, F., Bremner, J.D. (2011). Neuroscience Letters, 491 (3), 196-201.